Media Featured – Top Rated Reviews

You may have seen him on: Oprah Show, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Access Holywood, The View, and more! 

For Decades, Dr. Stephen Gullo has been featured, raved, and quoted in the press and scores of major media publications including:

  1. Web MD: A diet expert offers a 10-point behavioral strategy for losing weight and keeping it off 
  2. Huffington Post: Americans Are Supersizing Themselves, But Not All Hope Is Lost 
  3. Oprah (O Magazine): 7 Thoughts That Can Make You Thin
  4. New York Times: Dieting, Bite by Sound 
  5. NY Times: Guiltless Lunches: How to Say When 
  6. Women’s Health Magazine: How to train your brain to battle the bulge before it ruins your diet plan 
  7. Prevention: 12 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting
  8. Allure: Small Changes For Easier Weight Loss
  9. W Magazine: The Top Society Diet Doctors
  10. Harper’s Bazaar: Eat More, Stay Slim!
  11. Greatist: How One Chef Lost 55 Pounds Without Giving Up Good Food
  12. Glamour Magazine: 50 Ways to Burn Calories (Without Breaking a Sweat)
  13. Bottom Line Magazine: How to Stop Thinking About Food and Get On With Your Day
  14. Psychology Today: The Body’s Damage Control – That’s the Way the Cookies Crumble
  15. Elle: Hot To Trot One writer’s mission to get perfect gams in 24 hours
  16. FDieting: 10 Weight Loss Strategies to Live By
  17. New York Post: Star Report
  18. Forbes: Costly Calories
  19. Living Your Best: If if you don’t start, you don’t have a problem
  20. Athens Java Hut: Are the New Weight-Loss Pills the Solution?
  21. Source Of Insights: On The Book, Younger Next Year
  22. Post-Gazette: Stephen Gullo Interviewed
  23. Large Print: The Ten No-Fail Strategies for Permanent Weight Loss
  24. Behin Magazine: Keeping His Client Happy, Thin & Out Of Refrigerator